Are you ready to become
a data-driven enterprise?



Checklist on how to attain financial and operational objectives.


  • IT Strategic Audit & Roadmap
  • Solution Selection
  • Usability Audit

An audit or workshop designed to highlight the primary technology barriers to attaining your financial and operational objectives within the context of your existing strategic plans and business processes and provide a roadmap to adopting technologies to overcome them.


Rapid deployment from ideas to best practice guidance.


  • Jump Start
  • Solution Implementation
  • Integration
  • Development
  • Custom Implementation

Rapid deployment from a zero start with configuration, coaching, and best practice guidance along the way to optimize a Salesforce solution optimally as designed.


WIN Digital Solutions has the tools and capacity from hands-on Salesforce administrators to maintain your system.


  • Cloud Keepers
  • Technical Support

Dedicated capacity from experienced Salesforce administrators to help maintain your system and accelerate the adoption of your users.


Take a close-up look at data and processes, looking for patterns, providing insights to optimize processes.


  • Analysis & Insights
  • Coding, Classifying & Transforming
  • Automated Analytics

We can analyze your data and processes, search for patterns, and even perform statistical analysis to provide insights for how to better structure your data or optimize your processes.


WIN Digital Solutions moves ahead by defining the baseline and improving processes – checkmark!


  • Process Definition
  • Process Improvement
  • Process Automation
  • Transformational Initiatives

We prefer to define the baseline and improve processes first to ensure technology enhances rather than detracts from your efforts.


IT Strategic Audit & Roadmap

Focuses on how to achieve an organization's mission and objectives by examining
the constraints and opportunities along the digital readiness journey. Learn More

WIN Digital Solutions Strategic Audit & Roadmap is a digital
readiness journey with signposts along the way: Now Tech, Data, People, Process, Future Tech.

Accelerate Your Business Forward

WIN Digital Solutions knows the future of data and how to take you to that next level.
The time is now to schedule a complimentary one-hour conversation with us.

Let's have a meeting of the minds.